Jon Woodring: Open-Source Visualization and Data Analysis Tools

Event Information: March 5, 2019; 9:50-11:20; Engineering 2 Room 192

February 25, 2019


There is a rich diversity in open-source visualization and data analysis tools that are available for anyone to download and use. Woodring will showcase several popular open-source software projects that he uses in his day-to-day work: Python and matplotlib, R and ggplot, and ParaView. Additionally, he will talk about several other open-source tools that are useful for visualization and data analysis, including those developed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.


Jonathan Woodring is a research scientist and software engineer at the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). He received his PhD in computer science from the Ohio State University, specializing in computer graphics. As a research scientist, Jon researches methods for scientific visualization, data analysis and management, and high performance computing. As a software engineer, he supports the development of meshing, visualization, and code linking capabilities between various physics simulations.