The Evolution of Apache Calcite and its Community - Video Available

May 20, 2021

By , Assistant Director 

Event Information:

Date and time: Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 1:30-3:00pm PDT


Abstract: Apache Calcite is an open source framework for building databases, and includes a SQL parser, relational algebra, and a highly extensible query optimizer. It has achieved wide adoption, used in many commercial products,  open source projects, and as a test bed for computer science research.

But there is a bootstrap problem: If software is written by a community of contributors, and each contributor acts in their own self-interest, how do you get the first working version of the product? The answer is in the story of how the technology evolved, and how the community evolved with it, and in this talk we tell that story.

Bio: Julian Hyde is a software engineer at Google, working on Looker and BigQuery, and is an expert in query optimization, database internals, and streaming. He is the original developer of Apache Calcite, an open source query planning framework that powers many database and streaming SQL engines. He was the original developer of the Mondrian OLAP engine, and was previously at Hortonworks and SQLstream.